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EYEMAGINE EYEMAGINE on August 6, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Inbound marketing doesn't have to be difficult. Check out these 12 stats to get an idea of what to do, how to do it, and how it will impact your business.

eCommerce Sales Tax Changes

eCommerce Sales Tax Changes

Surviving 2014 ecommerce sales tax changes is harder than ever. There are things that you can do to maximize your chances of doing sales tax right.

Mobile eCommerce Is No Longer A Trend, It's A Mainstay

In 2010, mobile eCommerce sales were $2.2 billion. By 2013 they reached $42.8 billion. It's safe to say this trend won't be going away anytime soon.

6 Empowering Features of The HubSpot Magento Connector

The HubSpot Magento Connector developed by EYEMAGINE gives you more power over your eCommerce business than anything else currently available.

7 Tips For Developing A Successful eCommerce Strategy

Developing a successful eCommerce strategy is vital, without one you're setting yourself up to fail. Here are 7 tips to point you in the right direction.

Google Takes a Stand on Responsive Web Design

Google mobile will now tell users when a website may not work on their device. This makes responsive web design an absolute necessity for eCommerce sites.

Magento Go Bye Bye: 195 Days Until The Magento Go Shut Down

Magento Go Bye Bye: 195 Days Until The Magento Go Shut Down

The Magento Go shut down is a mere 200 days away. Putting off preparations will lead to added stress and a loss of valuable time and conversions.

6 Tips to Instantly Improve Your eCommerce Marketing

6 Tips to Instantly Improve Your eCommerce Marketing

Here are 6 helpful tips you should consider before removing or including certain features into your ecommerce marketing strategy for increased efficiency.

Shopping Cart Abandonment: Why It Happens and What To Do About It

Shopping Cart Abandonment: Why It Happens and What To Do About It

Shopping cart abandonment is going to happen, but there are reasons as to why and simple ways to combat the issue and recover customers

Bill Gates on

Bill Gates on "Content is King": Content Marketing is Taking Over

Bill Gates predicted content is where the majority of money was going to be made on the Internet. The rise in content marketing proves he was right.