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7 Tips to Establish and Maintain Thoughtful eCommerce Design

EYEMAGINE EYEMAGINE on June 6, 2014 at 12:00 AM
eCommerce is an industry that strives on online business and interaction. This means that maintaining thoughtful eCommerce design means everything.

How Photo Navigation Enhances the eCommerce Shopping Experience

How Photo Navigation Enhances the eCommerce Shopping Experience

This sleek layout of photo navigation for eCommerce intrigues visitors towards your products, instead of displaying a typical straight list of products.

Responsive Design and Inbound Marketing

Responsive Design and Inbound Marketing

Provide an ultimate shopping experience for online shoppers with responsive design and inbound marketing. Exceed marketing goals and drive results.

EYEMAGINE Builds Custom Magento Enterprise Responsive Design eCommerce Store for Cinda B

EYEMAGINE Builds Custom Magento Enterprise Responsive Design eCommerce Store for Cinda B

Cinda B chose to move forward with EYEMAGINE, an eCommerce agency and a Magento Gold Solution Partner, to create a Magento Enterprise responsive design.

4 Specific Site Examples of Responsive Web Design

4 Specific Site Examples of Responsive Web Design

Here are 4 examples of responsive web design, including Magento responsive design, B2B eCommerce responsive design, and single-page responsive design.

5 First Steps In Optimizing eCommerce Site Performance for Better Conversions

5 First Steps In Optimizing eCommerce Site Performance for Better Conversions

The two main objectives in optimizing ecommerce site performance are to reduce the number of asset requests on a site and reduce the weight.

Check up on your Checkout: 12 Tips to Create a Seamless eCommerce Purchasing Process

Check up on your Checkout: 12 Tips to Create a Seamless eCommerce Purchasing Process

It is important to streamline the ecommerce purchasing process for shoppers who have made it as far as the checkout. Here are 12 tips to help you do this.

Flat is the New Black: Simplify with Flat Design for eCommerce

Flat is the New Black: Simplify with Flat Design for eCommerce

In a matter of a few months, flat design for eCommerce has been making an appearance on most if not all online stores in some way, shape, or form.

4 Can't-Miss eCommerce Web Design Trends for 2014

4 Can't-Miss eCommerce Web Design Trends for 2014

These web design trends for 2014 can't be missed! eCommerce web design and layout directly impacts the sales and lasting impressions of your company.